The Benefits of a Holding Company

The Benefits of a Holding Company

A holding company structure potentially offers significant benefits to business owners. This article sets out some of the key considerations.   What is a Holding Company?   Generally a holding company is a company set up to own the shares of other companies....
Directors SSAS Pension – Benefits

Directors SSAS Pension – Benefits

A Directors Small Self Administered Scheme (SSAS) is a pension scheme which provides investment flexibility and scope for Directors to utilise pension funds to use in their business. Tax Relief The employer, which is often a Limited Company of which the Director is...
Electric Vehicles – Tax Benefits

Electric Vehicles – Tax Benefits

For a number of years the UK Government has attempted to encourage business users towards using low emission vehicles. What is the benefit of using a fully electric vehicle as a company car? Background Benefit in Kind (BIK) tax on company cars has for many years been...